AYSO Referees
Cedar Rapids / Marion and Surrounding Areas
Cedar Rapids Area Training
We offer FREE training to any AYSO volunteer wanting referee training. Additionally, we provide FREE referee gear to anyone who completes the training and is willing to referee for us ($90 value). All that you have to do is the online AYSOU training, follow up with a review session with an instructor and be willing to help give our players a SAFE, FAIR, FUN environment to learn and play!
Our next review is:
Everyone must register for the class online using the AYSOU website, as well as register as a volunteer with the Referee Role on Sports Connect. Failure to do so will impact our ability to give you credit for passing the class. Instructions are below. We highly recommend following the instructions below as the sites can be confusing. Be sure to take the CDC Concussion Training and AYSO Safe Haven training as well.
Need help registering a youth referee? The instructions are here​.
Volunteer as a Referee:
Logon to, or sign up for, Sports Connect (this is the same system used for registering players).
Click on the Volunteer tab on the left.
Click the Find Volunteer Roles in the upper right corner of the page.
Find current program (it is probably something like “Volunteer Registration - 2019/2020”) and click the Select button on the right. The button will change color to indicate it is selected.
Click on View Available Positions in the lower right of the page.
Find any of the Referee items and click on the Sign Up button to the right of it.
Select any and all family members who are volunteering – your account should be pre-selected.
Proceed through the Confirm and Checkout process. You will need to e-sign the volunteer form and click a couple of check boxes agreeing to standard waivers and confirmation of e-sign in place of an actual signature.
Follow directions below to register for the class.
Course Registration:
Logon to Sports Connect (this is the same system used for registering players).
Go to My Account -> Volunteer -> Click on the AYSOU button found on the right side.
It should automatically sign you in using your Sports Connect credentials.
Select "Training Event" on the left.
Type "1112" into the "Regions" filter, select "Region 1112" when it pops up.
Match the calendar to the dates provided above and click the class.
Click the "Enroll" button.
Online Training
While you're on AYSOU, make sure that you've taken the following additional courses for child safety found in Training Library -> Safe Haven:
AYSO's Safe Haven 2022 (No Audio)
CDC Concussion Awareness - Online
Sudden Cardiac Arrest - Online